What was your first job?

2018 & You
December 29, 2017
Write Your Book Mastermind
March 21, 2018

What was your first job?

This reminder may be something you need right now to show you how far you’ve come.

Anything is possible!

I don’t know about you, but when a Readers Digest reporter called to interview me, this question didn’t trigger positive memories.

>>>Click here to check out the Reader’s Digest Article.

They included me in on the first jobs of CEO’s!

My first job was cleaning bathrooms in a warehouse. It was something my parents thought would make me a better person. It didn’t. I was alone every day on the job and all it did was make me wonder why they had not provided me with a job that would give me some mentor-ship.

No, it didn’t teach me the value of hard work. And no it didn’t teach me that I didn’t want that job when I grew up because who would ever want that job? It taught me that my parents didn’t know how to be leaders.

That’s okay, because you don’t know what you don’t know, but it was many struggles, obstacles, and ditches later until I actually met Zig Ziglar, CEO Herb Baum, Tony Jeary, and CEO Lamar Smith, and found my first mentors.

I didn’t even become a mentor until I became a CEO. What was your first job?

Look how far you’ve come!

Ps. Thank you Reader’s Digest! This publication reaches millions. Look at their online stats!

To your legacy,

Tammy Kling
CEO of OnFire Books